Corner Pocket offers multiple choices in Content Management Systems (CMS), including:
- WordPress
- Joomla
- Drupal
- Moodle
- CMS Made Simple
Easy Website Creator v2
We have created our own flexible system that allows for easy updates to your website, but also includes more powerful features, such as latest news items, blogging and secure log in area. It is so powerful we use it for our own site.
Because we created EWC ourselves, we are in control of it, allowing us to add individual features to extend it’s use for your every need.
Our system is compatible with all major browsers on PC, Mac, Linux and mobile phones.

Help and support
Content management systems are designed to allow you to be in control of your website. However, in practice this rarely works 100% of the time. With our Total Web Management solution we are to help, offering advice on the more technical aspects, such as the layout not looking quite right when inserting images, or how to get list items aligned a certain way, and even the more basic aspects of web sites such as what content to include.